Sale at Rebel Hope!

Lounging at the G Spot

Hey everyone! I found out that Rebel Hope was having a clearance sale off certain items, so I decided to go down and take a look around. I found this cute babydoll lingerie for like…10 or 15L? If you are looking for cute and cheap lingerie, now it’s your chance to come get some before it’s gone forever ^^

So, a little bit about the G Spot. You can tell by the name that it’s adult-themed, and it’s a cool, but laggy place to go if you are looking for like-minded individuals to talk and do stuff with. I tried using the furniture on the main level, but the scripts were all lagged out. It took me a long time to get a group invite from the group joiner just to be able to use the skyboxes.

But once you do get to the skyboxes, everything is very nice. This is the Miami skybox – a nice place to chill and relax, among other things 😛 Since the instructions say that if you are in the skybox by yourself you can get kicked after a certain time, a guy was happy enough to come with me to keep me company for a bit. I think he lost interest though once he found out I was a fashion blogger, and soon left to hook up with another female. Thank you though! 🙂 I think this place is good for taking people to the skyboxes to have fun with…not so much for meeting people (basing it on my overall experiences there).

Styling Credits

Lingerie: Rebel Hope – Whisper (pink)
Hair: “LoQ Hair” Bacardi – Dark Brown (currently at TDR Fusion)
Skin: al vulo– Aisha* Candy dark brow sunkissed
Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) M – Mid
[mock]May LipColor  [nightshade] {1}
~Oceane~Bardot ES Noire
Nails: Candy Nail #FP006 Clear Glitter French Pink


Charm for Lazy Sunday @ Blacklace

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my sexy lingerie installment ^^ The next item that I have for you is called Charm, and it’s in poppy red.

Charm is a slip and panties combo (and makes a perfect top too!), and also has Lolas Tango/Mirage and Phat/Cute Azz appliers.

Styling Credits

Lingerie: ~Blacklace~ Charm: Poppy Silk & Lace Slip Bottom & Panties

Jeans: COCO – Skinny Jeans (group gift)
Tied shirt: *COCO* ShirtAroundWaist (CheckMultiColor) (@ The Chapter Four)
Chair: Trompe Loeil – Astrid Chair White (currently at C88)
Skin: al vulo– Aisha* Candy dark brow sunkissed
Hair: TuTy’s – Extremist – volume hairstyle – smoky black
Slink Female Feet (AvEnhance) M – Mid
Nails: Candy Nail #FP006 Clear Glitter French Pink

[mock]May LipColor  [nightshade]
~Oceane~Bardot ES Noire

Pose: Manifeste

Nicandra and Nayra

Nicandra at Designer Circle

Hello everyone! I want to show you two lovely dresses from Kanou. The first one is called the Nicandra dress, and it has a belt on the dress. Nicandra is currently at the Designer Circle for a very good price, so check it out!

Nayra is one of many items that can be found currently at the Kanou mainstore. It has a cut-out back trimmed with a  lace pattern, and the front has full coverage with “Chic Attitude” written across the top.

Styling Credits

Dress 1: Kanou Nicandra in Blue
Dress 2: Kanou Nayra in Petroleum
Skin: Al Vulo – Ewa * kinder red brow fairy (new group gift)
Hair: Wasabi Pills – Betty in Dark Flame
Boots: Hucci – Ikela Boots – Neutral Collection

Oceane: Bardot eyeliner
MOCK cosmetics: May lipcolor in nightshade

Poses: Exposeur
Location: Ursa Major

Happy New Year!

So there I was, in the middle of getting dressed to go find a party to crash, when I got a message from one of my friends. She wanted me to help one of her submissives with her Lolas. After a lot of tweaking (hey it’s hard telling someone how to adjust something…they should have Lolas set up like Bax boots so someone can help adjust) and obtaining the right applier color, she looked pretty good. And NO, she didn’t have huge ones, either. We were just finishing up when I realized it was the New Year. I thought that was a good way to ring in the New Year – gaining a new friend.

Styling Credits

Dress: ~Blacklace~ Blurred Lines: Silver & Blk Mesh Sequins Dress: (with Lolas Tango)
Skin: al vulo– Ramona* peacock blonde brow sunkissed
Hair: Magika – Bliss
Shoes: N-core ULTRAPLATFORM “Noir Intense”
Nails: [Bamboo] Nails – Stranded

[mock]Glitter Pop eShadow [Platinum and Bronze]
[PF] <Light> Classic Lipstick – Hot Pink
~Oceane~Bardot ES Noire
Miamai_Catwalk Lashes_Glitter 01

Pose: Manifeste

Relaxation Time!

Don’t fall asleep in the tub!

After a long day, how do you relax? Some people like to take a long hot bath or shower. I like using scented products, especially the ones at Lush. But Lush is kinda pricey, especially the soaps.

Others like to relax with a glass of wine, or perhaps something a bit stronger…winks. I have to say that I don’t drink a whole lot in RL, so it’s more of a treat rather than a relaxation method. But I do like vodka based drinks 🙂

This is my favorite thing to do – go online and read, play games, watch tv and movies, talk to people, etc. Of course, sometimes other people behind their computers can cause stress, but all I have to do is log off and do something else 🙂

What are some things that you do that relaxes you?

Styling Credits

Lingerie: ~Blacklace~ Diacentra: Rose
Skin: al vulo– Aisha* Candy blonde brow sunkissed
Hair: (Chemistry) Hair – Harlie
Shoes: ::HH:: Hucci Ikela Boots – Neutral Collection
Nails: [Bamboo] Nails – Stranded
Earrings: Donna Flora: FLORA
Location: Manor Suites

How I spent my Halloween


Near the Haunted Mansion

Hey guys! RL midterms have been killer, so I haven’t had a chance to blog. But I did want to share with you about my trip to the haunted mansion 🙂


The sim has 4 places to visit – a ride, a mansion, an asylum, and a place to kill zombies. I didn’t get a chance to go to the zombie place because the whole process was a bit too involved for me. I wanted to get in and get out, and the area had objectives and everything. Not saying that’s bad or anything, but wasn’t up for that. The first place I went to was the ride…as you see it says no one lives to the end. I was like, “Yeah right!” and went right in. Perhaps i should had heeded the warning…


The ride had me floating around in a river where some killer spiders had claimed a victim when I noticed that I was sinking down into the water. I tried to get out, but I could not. And down I went….


So…this is where you go when you die in Second Life. I thought it was just returning home! Anyway, I looked around the graveyard until I read the red writing on what looked like to be a huge tombstone:

“To reclaim life, seek the red books, Four are false, but one can send you back”

Hmm…red books. I wonder where I can find them?


After walking around for a while, I decided to rest beside some bales of hay. While resting, I remembered that there was a tunnel of sorts that I had not explored yet. I had a peek at it and I saw a treasure box! Walking quickly, I tripped on myself and went tumbling down into…


….a thick mist. It took me a while before I was able to see and walk through the mist.


A house appeared on the horizon, and I kept up my pace, walking towards it. Is this the place that holds the red books?


After I opened the door, I saw one! It was on a table with a lamp that was near the front door.


I looked in other places too…as you can see the fridge wanted to eat me 😦 I did eventually find the right book to bring me back to life. Which one was it? Well, you will have to make the journey yourself :p


I thought I would end it with this picture…right after I read that during my asylum visit, I fell several meters into a sewer with large tentacles grabbing at me as I scrambled out of the dirty water.

Happy Halloween!

Styling Credits

Outfit: Kanou Sexy Witch
Hair: ::Exile:: Say What You Want:Ember
Skin: al vulo– Ramona* peacock dark brow sunkissed

[mock] Glitterotica Eyeliner [Ketchup and Mustard Glittah]
[mock] Glitter Pop Eshadow in October Rust [eye only]
[mock] Lip Plummage- Millie’s Tangerine [lip 2]

Is it Autumn yet?

boho-forest_003The Cyprian Garden

Hey guys! I can’t believe we are still having nice weather in October…at least in my area 😀 So I have decided to take advantage and sport a more summery look before it’s time to break out the old sweaters (or shop for new ones!).

I went for boho chic with this look. I’ve got my flowy skirt on (how often do you see me in one of these, guys?) , my jewelry (most of it is hidden in the shadows…I also have on a ring and earrings but I chose not to credit them because you can’t see them), and my sandals (also hidden).

I recently discovered the Cyprian Garden when my boss gave me the landmark for it. I work for a rental place, and everyone has access to the garden area. I am not 100% sure if it’s open to the public…from the access page it looks like it is. The only thing is, you do have to be adult verified to enter.


Styling Credits

Outfit: Indyra Originals Mesh – Buena Boho Beach
Skin: al vulo– Aisha* Candy  sunkissed
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Melissa Mesh Hair – Gingerbread (Sept arcade item)

Artistry by E: The Monica Necklace & Bracelet

Pose: Manifeste

It’s My Birthday Meme

bday-meme_003  Slamin Outfit by SAKIDE  @ Perfect Wardrobe

Berry came up with this fun meme because she just had a birthday (Happy Birthday! ^^). She also has a photo pile up, or the option to make your own birthday meme. I have to admit I was hesitant as to whether to do this meme or not, but then I said, “Why not?”

When is your birthday?  August 9th

Pick one person who shares your birthday and share what you know about them.

I shared a birthday with the late Whitney Houston. She was one of the greats when it came to singing. I always felt pretty cool knowing that she, Madonna, and other popular artists in the 80’s – 90’s were all Leos.

List one notable event that took place on your birthday.

I remember in high school learning that during World War II, a second atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city Nagasaki in 1945. I felt weird knowing that such an event like that happened on that day, especially because before then I had only heard about the atomic bomb dropping on Hiroshima.

Tell us about a holiday that falls on your birthday.
I had to look this up because I didn’t know any off the top of my head, but both Book Lovers’ Day and Women’s Day (South Africa) falls on this day.

This wasn’t one of the questions, but I’ll add it in because I always like to hear people’s answers.

If you could do anything or go anywhere for your birthday, what would you do and why?

If I could have an ideal birthday celebration, I would take a bunch of friends and go to the Caribbean or some place nice where we could hang out on the beach and go jet skiing, scuba diving, etc. This came about because in college, there always would be a ton of brochures on Spring Break, so I would get the brochures and imagine myself at different places doing different things. I never got to go on a Spring Break due to different factors, so it was always something that I wanted to do.\

Until next time, guys!

Styling Credits

Outfit (top, pants sneakers) – [ SAKIDE ] Slamin Outfit
Skin: al vulo– Ramona* peacock dark brow sunkissed
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Jolene – Browns01Fade
Belly Ring: Zuri‘s Spider Belly Jewel
Nails: [Bamboo] Nails – Nightsky Jailed
Pose: Exposeur

Locked up

bad-girl_004Zoe Schoolgirl by Carrie’s Lingerie

Hey guys! I was listening to a couple of Girlicious’ songs (yes I liked them very much lol), and I got inspired to combine the two videos together – bad schoolgirl that needed to be locked up. Carrie has a cute schoolgirl outfit that did the trick just nicely. A friend told me that  “It’s executive lingerie”. Hmm…do I look professional? Hehe…



I’m personally more of a heels girl than boots, so I chose to wear some from G Field. But I probably would have opted for boots if I was dancing all sorts of moves like the girls did in that video.


Is anyone going to let me out of here any time soon? No? Oh well…I guess I can get ready to go to sleep in that bed over there. It looks sort of clean…cleaner than these walls and floor that is.


Styling Credits

Skin: Al vulo– Ramona* peacock dark brow sunkissed
Hair: Magika – Wait
Lingerie: Carrie’s Lingerie – Zoe in Navy
Shoes: G Field – Eve Flower Pumps in Blue
Nails: Candy Nail – Snow Blue

Looking Overhigh


E.d.e.n. Gatcha Yard sale

I’m not sure why I haven’t heard of this store before. They have the cutest things! You know you like a store when you get pretty much all of the demos to try on.

I’m wearing the current group gift from Overhigh – the color is more of a neutral tone, so you can use your accessories to really make the outfit pop. I have on my platinum jewelry from Donna Flora because I didn’t want to take them off yet (see previous post for more details).

Who has been to this round of the Arcade? I actually went last week, via another sim. The only problem I have with the Arcade is regardless of whether you cam in or walk around in the game room, it is hard to find these machines. I was trying to look for Leezu to get the curtains because I didn’t see any at the garage sales, and I went back twice before I was able to locate the machine. I have all my Arcade extras here if anyone wants them. It’s not that many now, but maybe it’s what you’ve been looking for.

I really want Wasabi Hair in a brown color, and the Gizza black necklace (not the single one) and black bracelet. They aren’t rares, but they might as well be because I cannot find them anywhere. You might say, “Oh but it’s only been a week so far.” I hate to say it, but the prime time to get items that you want is within the first week. After that, everyone pretty much has what they want, and MAYBE have some extras. After the second week people have pretty much moved on to the next event.

Until next time – happy shopping!

Styling Credits

Skin: al vulo- Ramona* peacock dark brow sunkissed
Hair: Magika – Bliss
Dress: Overhigh – Group Gift Dress

Shoes: N-core EMPORIUM “Garnet”

Pose: Exposeur