A year comes to end

And now, the end is near ~ Frank Sinatra

That would be the best way to describe the end of a year filled with a lot of ups and also some downs. Sad fully the downs made it hard to keep on track with posting a blog post each month.

When I started this journey to become a Mesh person, I thought it would be just a simple thing, throw on a mesh body, adjust your shape a little but I couldn’t be further off from the truth as that was.

So, I have decided that I wont be blogging every month but do it in a dual month style (which I have been doing since the Summer of 2022) to give me time to adjust things and not feel like the people who actually read this just think I am slacking.

New Years Resolutions:

  • Visit the Mesh Head Specialist to finally get the Mesh head exactly as I want my head to look like
  • Endevour more into the Fashion Shows that firms in Secondlife hold to learn more about the ways, this way I will be better prepared for the show I’ll be hosting in 2023.

So, with this year about to end and a new year ready to start I do want to acknowledge some people who were a big help to me this year.

  • Monica Querrien – For allowing me to use her blog as an outlet for my stories
  • Nina Soleil – The hard working lady who managed to get everything done
  • Some of my friends who have pushes me through some limits I had, you all know who you are

That leaves me with this word of wisdom at the end which I will be using in 2023:

* You create your own opportunities
* Happiness is a choice
* Asking for help is a sign of strength
* Admit your mistakes and don’t repeat them