10 SL Firsts Meme – Moni Style


Lionheart Pumbaa – Public Parking Garage

Hey guys! I haven’t been in the mood for blogging much lately 😦 I don’t have the focus needed to do it atm…hope I snap out of my funk soon. So I’ll make this one a meme AND a Look of the Day post ^^ Check credits for more info on the outfit!

1.    First SL Friend: This to me seems subjective. Is it literally the first person you friended in SL? Or is it the first real friend that you have had? I think I will answer it in the latter way: PaulieB Podless.

I remember when Lasher took me from a burlesque club (the first adult place I went to in SL after I found out I had to get verified) to an adult beach, Paulie was the first friend that I made. He became the DJ for the beach, and I would sit and listen to him talk at times about how he was going to make his own club. To me that was a big deal, because I had been to several clubs (Galaxy, Ambrosia) and I was thinking wow he wants to make a club…and I know him haha. I turned to him for his no-nonsense advice many times throughout the years.

The club part didn’t quite take off the way I thought it would, but he became a good DJ…most people who were into reggae at that time knew who he was. A Scottish guy playing reggae songs makes quite an impression! He left SL about 6 months ago, not sure why, but I hope he makes it back here someday.

2.    First SL Kiss: I’m pretty sure it was when I went out on a date with Mo Bing. He was one of the first guys I met in SL…I was at a club (think it was Ambrosia) and he messaged me. He took me different places, and never asked for more than a kiss. What happened to those guys, huh? Lol…

3.    First SLex time/place/partner: Oh…Bravo Daxter. Time? I know it was after I went to the adult beach, so maybe 4-6 weeks into my SL. Place? His place…they had spots on the beach where people could do…stuff…but I was too shy. The experience wasn’t that bad, and I had seen what people did with poseballs on the beach so I wasn’t a total rookie haha. The reason why I remember his name is the drama that happened after the SLex 😛 Geez…

4.    First SL Partner/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband: Never had one…for about half the time I’ve been in SL I wasn’t even open to the concept cause I had seen too many partnerships go the way of lots of drama. I have been on the receiving end of watching friends change whenever they had a significant other and not value the friendship that we had. Now I am more receptive to one, so we will see what happens.

5.    First SL Job: In January 2011 I became a club manager as well as a store manager. So I went from not working at all to immersing myself in work.

6.    First SL Creation: I think it was a bathing suit…was really cute too.

7.     First Encounter with a Linden:  We had a griefer on the sim the store was on, so the owner contacted the sim owner, who then contacted LL. A Linden came by a half hour later or so to see what was going on.

8.    First Encounter with a SLebrity: This is a hard question…I feel like all of the people who would be considered SLebrities were at their height of their “careers” before I came to SL. So I would react to them differently than someone who was around in 2007-2008. That’s not to say that I don’t do a double take when I see content creators, bloggers, photographers, and people from Plurk inworld.

One time, my friend and I were at LISP Bazaar, and I saw Matteo Bettencourt and I think Angelik Lavecchia. I was telling my friend omg they look good even when shopping for furniture!!  They looked like someone literally pulled them from the runway and placed them into the store.

9.    First SL Sim you fell in love with: I liked Lionheart Ahadi (the sim where the store was located), because it felt like a neighborhood. We used to go driving when we weren’t working, and went to the adjourning sims, which were really nice. It felt suburban in a way. You could take the train or bus to different places as well.

10.    First SL Blog Post: https://monisworldsl.wordpress.com/2011/04/24/easter-sunday/

I always feel like I talk too much in these memes lol.

Styling Credits

Skin: al vulo– Ramona* solstice dark brow sunkissed (old TDR fusion item)
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Betty Mesh Hair – Gingerbread (this month @ Fameshed)
Top: ISON – oversized top – (black) (last month’s item @ C88)
Pants: Maitreya Zipper-Skinny Jeans * Dirty
Shoes: [Gos] Grace Sandal – Red Glitter (V-day group gift)
Jewelry: Artistry by E – The Bruna Set (group gift; item in stores soon with different color matches)
Pink Fuel – Classic Lipstick – Pin Up Red
~Oceane~Bardot ES Noire
blackLiquid MAKEUP –  just gloss
Al Vulo! Mesh Lashes

Pose: Di’s Opera – Black Seduction @ Limited Bazaar

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